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Relocation Tips for People With a Disability

March 24, 2022

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Relocation Tips for People With a Disability
It is not impossible to move with a disability. However, it involves a combination of preparation, help, and effort, just like any successful relocation. Rather than allowing your relocation to overwhelm you, plan it into a list of actions and small activities.

For everybody, relocating is a challenging task. For persons who live with physical  impairments, the term "tedious" takes on a whole new meaning. But nothing is impossible, and moving is no exception. The task becomes a lot simpler if you prep in advance appropriately. If you have limitations, how are you expected to do that? This tutorial can provide you with important relocation recommendations for disabled individuals to make the process as easy as possible.

Prepare a list

A “To Do” list can be your closest buddy during the move process. There are just so many tasks to accomplish, organize, investigate, and execute so eventually you might begin to feel confused. When things get chaotic, a to-do list will help you stay relaxed and grounded. Crossing stuff off your list is both pleasant and inspiring, so make sure to do it whenever you finish anything. You may keep one note on the fridge and the other in your handbag so that you always have access to it. Preparing for an overseas move takes roughly 14-18 weeks, whereas preparing for a local move takes about 10-12 weeks.

Financial Support

When your disability necessitates moving aid, then you may be eligible for financial support from organizations like the Administration for Community Living and the Association of University Centers on Disabilities. Those organizations can help you with the monetary aspects of planning a relocation, as well as finding trustworthy movers and providing packing and unpacking services. It is recommended that you determine what support you might need for the relocation before approaching the organizations: contacting a moving company, support with packing/unpacking, cleaning agents, or any changes to your future apartment's accessibility.


After you've moved it all into your new apartment, trying to settle in might be even more stressful than the move itself. To reduce stress, prepare an essentials bag for a week or so at your new residence when it all needs to be fully unpacked and organized. This must include essentials, such as clothing, medicines, books, and toiletries, along with everything else that will help you feel at ease.

Keep in mind you should have quick access to any medications you might need, as well as wheelchair attachments and whatever else you're accustomed to accessing on a regular basis.

Find new health care providers in your new home

Make a list of the contact information and addresses of physicians you encounter on a daily basis, such as ambulance services and doctors. Place it in a prominent location in your new house for easy access in the event of an emergency. If you need to take the medicines, look for pharmacists that have the meds you require. 

Hiring Professional Movers

Hiring movers is beneficial for all, but it's especially important if you're relocating with a disability. It's fantastic if you have friends and families who can assist you. A moving company, on the other hand, is the way to go if you want your move to be as speedy, secure, and stress-free.

However, it's critical to find professional movers - one that has assisted persons with disabilities in the past.

If you are planning to move, contact the Professional Moving Company, Hartford, CT

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